4. I Love You Project

 desire | fetishism | relationships | cliché | fandom | distorted | fantasy For thousands of years, mankind is desperately searching for love,
friendships and companionship

︎︎︎CLICK HERE to see the ‘I Love You Project’!

‘I love you’ is a universal phrase used in nearly every film, across every genre. But the way it is used varies dramatically from its actual meaning; be it sarcasm, anger, a goodbye, comic relief, etc. I set out to explore the dissonance between how the phrase ‘I love you’ is used in cinema and what it means to me personally.

The compilation of ‘I love you’ scenes taken out of context aims to exaggerate and expose the often ridiculous use of that moment — it is drained of its meaning; it is no longer special; it loses its aura. I want the viewer to reexamine the phrase, in all its absurdity.

The ‘I Love You Project’ is a live project which you can access online with this link. You can view, share and also contribute to it by suggesting scenes to be added to the ever-growing randomised sequence!

Special thanks to Pavel Durov for his contributions on this project. I love you!
